Wish Land..

A unicorn and butterflies....
Only in wonderland..
I am not Alice, I am Bai...
So I am in my real world...
But sometimes I see this vision too..
Living in a fairy's world..
But reality is a breathe away...
Illusion is just a fantasy...


Deanna Dilley said…
I love the picture of the unicorn with the butterflies. They are a couple of my favorite animals...along with dogs, cats, horses, and monkeys. I know. I know. Bizarre combination. ;) Deanna
Oh Deanna, love ya..thanks for inspiring this page and this
writer..mwaah!!!Come back again or I will hunt you..hehehehe!
Deanna dear, create your own website again so we can connect..you are a very,very,very good poet...you ought to have a central base on the net..what do you think..let me know and I will be happy to assist you...